First off we have Britain's best climber, Steve McClure - although James McHaffie keeps telling me he's the best but if he's so good how come he doesn't have more sponsors, eh? It was fab sitting down with this gnarly old character and look backwards and forwards, inside and out. He's a chilled and thoughtful dude. Check it out.
JCPC 040 Andi Turner reads The Magic Flute
This time around Andi Turner (remember him from episode 38?) reads his own yarn, The Magic Flute. Listen below on the player on via iTunes.
JCPC 039 Katherine Schirrmacher
This sweek Katherine Schirrmacher and I wag on about: chatting; The School; Broomgroove Wall; female climbing; freedom; the future; Stevie Wonder. Check her out on Love to Climb.
JCPC 038 Andi Turner
JCPC 037 Maddy Cope reads Freerider
JCPC 036 Mark 'Zippy' Pretty
035 Andy Cave: Distilled
JCPC 034 Molly Thompson-Smith
Buenos Dias muchachas, welcome to Jam Crack Podcast. This sweek we have one of the young stars of the British competition scene, Molly Thompson-Smith coming atcha both barrels. Molly takes you inside the game of comps and we get to see what climbing looks like to a nineteen-year-old London plastic puller. And loads more besides.
JCPC 033 Yuri Kruglov
JCPC 032 John Allen
The Boss. John Allen put up most of the best routes on gritstone. In the 1970s, as a teenager, he sizzled up most of grit's coolest lines and led the charge in what was later called the Gritstone Renaissance. Then in the 1980s he upped the technical standards of the day by styling what are today's prized ticks for any boulderer and high baller.
JCPC 031 Ruth Jenkins
JCPC 030 Niall Grimes reads Grit
JCPC 029 The Greastest Climber in the World
This sweek, US bouldering badass Chris Schulte reads Bernard Amy's The Greatest Climber in the World. This is frequently cited as people's favourite piece of climbing literature. Hope you like it.
JCPC 028 Maddy Cope
This week we have for you the life and times of Maddy Cope. With a free ascent of El Capitan via the notorious Freerider, sport redpoints up to 8b, Maddy is among the most accomplished all rounders in the land. Yet you don’t hear much about this young gun. Perhaps this young gun has a silencer fitted? Let's hear her story.
JCPC 027 Joe Healey
JCPC 026 Wideboyz
This week we have a whole a-whooping and a-hollerin bunch of silly fun brought to you from the depths of the Wideboyz training cellar. The two gents in question, Tom Randall and Pete Whittaker, allowed me full access to the cellar of doom where to talked nonsense for days. I've whittled this down to a downloadable length, which is what you have ahead of you. Enjoy.
JCPC 025 Mark Leach
JCPC 024 Andy Parkin
Badass alpinist cat, committed artist, lovely guy Andy Parkin lays it on the line this episode. Andy is an utter legend in the mountaineering world, setting standards, walking the walk and living a life of utmost commitment which shows itself most obviously in his mountaineering approach. It's virtually impossible to find out what Andy has done - how cool is that?
JCPC 023 A Short Walk with Whillans read by Rab Carrington
Scottish climbing legend Rab Carrington reads two stories: His own An Early Ascent of Raven Gully, about a winter ascent of the classic line on The Buchaille and Tom Patety’s A Short Walk with Whillans, in which the fondly-remembered Tom Patey recounts a typical attempt on The Eiger in the company of Don Whillans.
JCPC 022 Jen Randall
At this year's Kendal Mountain Festival i dragged various people into the art room for a chat. One of my victims was top film maker, Jen Randall. Jen's films have a confident, winning style and have picked up awards across the fglobe, especially for her's and Clare Jane Carter's Operation Moffat. Read more about Jen on her website.