JCPC 042 Steve McClure

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Where the hell were you? I've been waiting for you?

As I hope you noticed, the Jam Crack Climbing Podcast has taken a bit of a break. (By the way, Jon Chitt, who works with me, and who is about 11 times smarter than me, says that by calling it the Jam Crack Climbing Podcast, instead of just Jam Crack Podcast, with help in SEO. So there!) And we are all set with a whole heap of great interviews and stories lined up for you cats.

First off we have Britain's best climber, Steve McClure - although James McHaffie keeps telling me he's the best but if he's so good how come he doesn't have more sponsors, eh? It was fab sitting down with this gnarly old character and look backwards and forwards, inside and out. He's a chilled and thoughtful dude. Check it out.

As usual listen via the player below. Better again go via iTunes, or to Stitcher Radio, or on Spotify. If you like the podcast, I'd really appreciate it if you would subscribe via one of these services. That way the shows will download automatically. That way it won't just be shows from famous people who get heard, but also the less famous who will be equally interesting (or boring).

Cheers all,

Niall x