JCPC 012 The Only Blasphemy by John Long

Photo: Dean Fidelman

Photo: Dean Fidelman

Through Him, with Him, in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and power is yours almighty Father, for ever and ever, Amen.

How do, brers? To Twelve, it trundles. Tonight we have a story by and from John Long. Big numbers. It's a mega tale about his encounter with that ropeless Nijinski, John Bacher. Go and Google those guys for some cool stories and great images. Thanks to Dean Fedelman for the photo, and he also made the recording.

As usual listen via the player below. Better again go via iTunes, or to Stitcher Radio, or on Spotify. If you like the podcast, I'd really appreciate it if you would subscribe via one of these services. That way the shows will download automatically. That way it won't just be shows from famous people who get heard, but also the less famous who will be equally interesting (or boring).

or find me on Facebook for an interaction, all appreciated.

Oh, and while I remember, since the last episode, Paul Pritchard has raised all the money he needed for his film on some Kickstarter-style thing. Well done if you chipped in, or spread the word.

iTunes scenes below.