JCPC 002 Glimmer of an Idea

So, as I warned, I am interspersing interview episodes with story episodes.

I think climbing is blessed with a brilliant body of written work, one of the things that makes it so special. My plan is to dig up one of these bodies every other episode and lay it out in front of you.

As a start I have just read out one of my own stories called The Dimmest Glimmer, a story about the fears of youth, set in a tumbledown climbers’ hut at the edges of Fair Head, the big, dark crag in Northern Ireland.

I’m a bit gripped that this is a bit odd. I’ve never read out like this before. I’ve not got the hang of editing the sound so it doesn’t sound amazing. It might be a boring story. But still, you’re best, in life, just to crack on and do your thing. So here it is. Listen or don’t.

I hope, as other authors and readers get on board, it picks up speed. Click below or follow on iTunes

Also here is a tune by Dob Dob Dob from Bristol. Check out her stuff on her bandcamp site, or see her climbing articles, cartoons and other work on her website.

Let me know what you think, you cats.