Photo: Phil Kelly.
The coolest cat in the cupboard, the ultimate helmet-boiler, master of RP hijinx and the loose-hold two-step, Paul Pritchard is this week's guest reader. What a mondo privilege to have this hone read us a story. It comes from his award-winning collection, Deep Play. I also refer to The Totem Pole in the intro. They are both worth getting your hands on. If I know of anywhere they can be easily shoplifted from I'll let you know - after I get one myself, of course.
Also, read more about Paul's adventures on his blog, and why not get involved in his crowdfunding project to make a movie about his Totem Pole ascent.
Watch Paul and his mate Johnny climb on the Rainbow Slab here.
As well as Paul we have some beautiful jazz from Miss Truly DiVine. Truly has a new album out right now that the song comes from. Want to know more? Well hell, go ahead.
As usual listen via the player below. Better again go via iTunes, or to Stitcher Radio, or on Spotify. If you like the podcast, I'd really appreciate it if you would subscribe via one of these services. That way the shows will download automatically. That way it won't just be shows from famous people who get heard, but also the less famous who will be equally interesting (or boring).
Thanks for listening
Niall x